0100 Conference Europe

Amsterdam, Netherlands
28 March - 30 March 00:00 - 23:59

0100 Conferences are delighted to invite you to the 0100 Conference Europe, scheduled for 28-30 March 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

This conference is designed to provide you with premium global networking with over 600 seasoned PE & VCinvestors in the industry so that you can exchange perspectives, experiences, and trends affecting your industry.

450 successful Limited and General Partners will be joining as speakers and attendees to support you in skipping trial and error in your line of work and build a proven prosperous strategy for your fund. 100 carefully hand-picked speakers were selected including high-profile executives from top investment houses to provide you with actionable information, real case studies, presentations, workshops, and discussions on and off-stage.

Not to mention the agenda that was strategically put in place so that you can explore what inspires internationally prominent investors. During the conference, the topics explored will include such as future PE & VC trends & challenges, LP allocation, the current role of growth funds, the European fundraising market, ESG frameworks, DeepTech, deal sourcing, support of portfolio companies and many more.

You can check the latest Agenda HERE.

Are you a Limited Partner?

You can register with a complimentary ticket HERE.

If you are not, get the ticket with a special discount code.

For members of our association, we have an extra 15% discount, contact info@svca.se for the promo code.


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